Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Using Google Forms for Assessment

I don't know that I'll ever use Google Forms for formal assessments, but I'm experimenting with it for formative assessment. Instead of giving my Honors Math III a study guide for Exponential Growth (feel free to take it and see the feedback you get), I created this Google Form (feel free to take it). I used Super Quiz to automatically grade it and email results. I then used Flubaroo to do the same thing. The set up for both is pretty similar.

Super Quiz

  1. Real-time feedback.
  2. Customizable Feedback
  3. Customizable Grade (with some tinkering) to reflect SBG level.
  4. Lot's of data
  1. Students didn't know which questions they got wrong.
  2. Feedback not so pretty--somewhat convoluted for a student to read.
  1. Real-time feedback if autograding is turned on.
  2. Feedback is visual and provides the question and response.
  3. Customizable points per question.
  4. Streamlined data
  1. Can't create (yet?) customizable SBG level.
Neither will attach the images that went along with the questions. I think, to be more effective, I'll still print them on paper and hand them out, then let them fill in their answers on Google Forms. That way, they can see the questions, answer choices, and their answer. There is also an option for giving them the answer key, but where's the fun in that?

I'm thinking about (long-term) making one of these for each skill. Students can't take the formal assessment until they make Level 2 (3?) on the practice. I also want to be able to write a Google Script that will randomize the values for the questions.

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