Phew! Today was pretty quiet. I gave each class an assessment at the beginning of class. These are the first assessments since we got the Chromebooks, but they didn't have the rubrics for skills last week. Not really sure what to expect. The assessments follow the note packets, so I expect the go-getters to do great and the middle kids to do middling, and, well, you know. I am more excited to assess on the things we did this week with the Chromebooks AND rubrics (and a few more days doing it under our belts). I will try to grade and post the results broken down so that I can track them.
2nd Period - Honors Math III
We had an assessment. I had a typo on the Level 4 problem. I stopped the test, wrote the correction on the board and told everyone to correct it right then. Of course, I noticed at least two kids who didn't change it. It was factoring, so they were fighting an unwinnable battle.
After the assessment, they worked on Arithmetic with Complex Numbers. When all tests were in, I called over 4 students who have struggled here and there so we could do the video together. I also called over the girl who felt like she wasn't getting enough support. She remained silent the whole class and she left the chocolate I gave the five of them on her desk when she left. Hey, I'm not above bribes...
I liked having the direct instruction with these students. They need it. But, because of time restrictions, I wasn't able to have group discussions about today's lesson. We are continuing it tomorrow, so I'll give a bell ringer to assess where they are, but we also have an assessment and class is cut 15 minutes short for the Powderpuff game. I guess I'm going to keep doing this with them for a week or two until they get comfortable with watching the videos and knowing when and how to ask questions.
I've told two students that I will make a mini-project for them to assess Arc Length and Sector Area. They get it in class and one-on-one, but space out when they assess. Part of my two-year plan is to have one hands-on application per week and one alternative assessment per week. I'm also going to phase in blogging and/or YouTube videos. I might wait till the Spring for that. I have all Math I's and all of this foundation work will be (mostly) complete.
3rd Period - Math I
They had an assessment. It was really brief. I'll be honest. I delayed assessments last week because I didn't want to stress them (and myself) out any more than adding the Chromebooks. Also, my dad is coming in this weekend, so I won't be able to spend the 10-20 hours that I have been on my laptop. I didn't want to give two classes 3 assessments on Graphing, Substitution, and Elimination and another assessment on Friday, so I gave them this. When they were done, they continued Systems of Linear Inequalities from yesterday. We began Ohio Jones (which they usually love). I was able to get with three students for remediation on graphing lines in slope-intercept form.
4th Period - Honors Math I
They had the same assessment as 3rd. Also continued Systems of Linear Inequalities. We jumped into Ohio Jones about 10 minutes after everyone was finished with their tests. I corrected a few misconceptions (have to remember to get pictures!). Towards the end of class, a few began to grumble about homework and it taking too long and Church and Soccer and going to the Movies. I shut them down quick! The bellyaching from that class is really starting to wear on my nerves. I told them I didn't want to spend another day on this skill. I didn't really want to spend two. I asked who needed to practice again tomorrow and they all said they know it. I agreed and gave them the option of finishing their practice problems or finishing Ohio Jones. They also have to complete their Application problems and finish their rubric for Friday's test on Linear Inequalities. At least they ask about homework. I neglected to tell 3rd Period the same...
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