I am still cementing ideas for teaching Algebra 1 through getting my students to paint my room. In the meantime, I was able to go to LACUE 2013 (see my notes here). I saw some amazing ideas that I am still sorting through, several of which I will probably have to shelve until the summer, but there was one that I had begun thinking about the week before school, but ran out of steam with all of the time spent readjusting to a new school, resettling, and doing all of the SBG stuff.
But, there was the one. Flipping the classroom. It wasn't so much the presentation, which was good, but the people who were cited as the Godfathers of Flip: Dr. Lodge McCammon and Katie Gimbar. When I got home and Googled them, I found out they have organized a curriculum teaching teachers how to flip!!! I watched all of their videos, ordered a flip camera and tripod, and have begun thinking about the implementation of it. I think this will fit perfectly with SBG and solve a lot of my questions with the PBL Algebra curriculum. Now I don't have to worry about how to fit in the skills with the application--I can simply direct them to the videos during class or for homework and let them come to their own conclusions. It will also allow class time to be used for differentiation and, possibly one day, self-paced instruction.
I have been following the infinite rabbit holes through the blogosphere and, just like every time I begin reading up on SBG, I have 10-15 tabs open. The two I've been reading most are Carolyn Durley, Crystal Kirch and Graham Johnson. I don't know if they are well known. I don't really remember how I stumbled across them 2 hours ago. But they seem to have a wealth of experience and knowledge that I will gladly consume.
Looks like I know what I'll be doing this weekend.
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